Together we do good – 500 Kleiti

17 December - 2020

500 Kleiti is a charity auction with a civic initiative, which is to raise money for the recycling of clothing for organisations working for the well-being of Estonian women and children.

This year, the charity goal is to raise money to buy a 3D mammography for Cancer Treatment Foundation.

Cargobus also contributed to such a wonderful project. Cargobus helped deliver dresses Estonia to their new owners.

Thanks to the project 500 Kleiti, donors and all helpers:
✓ 651 dresses were collected as donations.
✓ 574 dresses were purchased in one week at the main auction.
✓ 25 dresses were purchased in one week at the second auction.
✓ The Estonian Association of Large Families received 52 dresses as a gift.
✓ Nearly 32 000 euros was waged to buy a 3D mammography and soon the new mammograph will start its work!

We are very pleased to contribute to such a powerful charitable project.

Read more about auction 500 Kleiti HERE.